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Have you for once or currently seeing a message icon blinking continuously at the top-right corner of your symbian device?
TouchScreen phones allow you to tap that icon to give you more details; However, you'd discover that the icon is actually telling you "Sim Memory Full".
On a normal occasion, You would rush down to either your contacts or messages menu solely to delete unwanted contacts/messages.
Well, I believe you know symbian
devices save incoming/outgoing messages in the phone's memory or memory card depending on your settings so you can count that idea of deleting your inbox/outbox to solve the problem out.
Also, deleting contacts will be a solution to the filled sim memory? Absolutely No!
Cut the crap! I experienced this also but I did a little bit of exploration and discovered that that blinking message icon is actually pointing to filled sim messages. Now how do you access this?
It is very simple; you can find messages stored in your sim card by visiting the messages menu and then select options. There, you will find an option that says Sim Messages select it and wait for your sim messages to load completely (This may take few seconds).
After the messages have been displayed, simply delete the unwanted ones.
The first message you delete will remove the blinking message icon and Viola! You've conquered!
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Have you for once or currently seeing a message icon blinking continuously at the top-right corner of your symbian device?
TouchScreen phones allow you to tap that icon to give you more details; However, you'd discover that the icon is actually telling you "Sim Memory Full".
On a normal occasion, You would rush down to either your contacts or messages menu solely to delete unwanted contacts/messages.
Well, I believe you know symbian
devices save incoming/outgoing messages in the phone's memory or memory card depending on your settings so you can count that idea of deleting your inbox/outbox to solve the problem out.
Also, deleting contacts will be a solution to the filled sim memory? Absolutely No!
Cut the crap! I experienced this also but I did a little bit of exploration and discovered that that blinking message icon is actually pointing to filled sim messages. Now how do you access this?
It is very simple; you can find messages stored in your sim card by visiting the messages menu and then select options. There, you will find an option that says Sim Messages select it and wait for your sim messages to load completely (This may take few seconds).
After the messages have been displayed, simply delete the unwanted ones.
The first message you delete will remove the blinking message icon and Viola! You've conquered!
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