The following are the lists of websites where you can download free games such as PES 2011, Evolution Soccer, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, and any other type of games you want to your phone.
These sites have games of different version for different types of phones, such as .jar, and for any type of phone you are using. I have myself downloaded games, pictures, and even music from these sites, the websites are:
1. : This is my best sites for downloading free games. The site is easy to navigate and games are updated there every moment. The games are free to download. Just of recent, I downloaded Real Football 2012 from these sites:
2. Much more like sefan, you can download games and even some other phone applications such as Dictionary and Love calculator to your Phone. It also as a search Bar where you can easily search for any phone applications or games that you are looking for and it will present you with lots of result in minutes. Once you get to it the first time, you have to click on the flag of United States to specify that you want the English version. A lot of people find this very hard, most especially people who are not familiar with it. But all the same, I just downloaded Opera Mini from the site recently.
3. : I was referred to this site by a friend of my when I wanted to download free applications to my Nokia Phone, not necessary games. It has a lot of applications such as opera Mini and dictionaries for free download to your Phone.
--> Lists of sites where you can download Free Music Online.
This is a guest post made by Akinyemi Mujeeb of
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