Cool new social network for Nigerians! Not really compulsory you're a Nigerian before registering.
Hey don't be carried away! Here's a social network created by a Nigerian Webmaster and Blogger- Christopher Columbus of
What a talented young fellow he is! He has brought about something like or even better than facebook. You'll get to know soon.
Varpal, Nigeria's facebook is equipped with lots of amazing features that make up an interactive social network. I will discuss few of the benefits of joining varpal here and you check out the rest for yourself. They're almost countless features I say.
With varpal, you can meet and chat with new/old friends across nigeria and beyond; you also have the ability to show case your business profile with pages on varpal....
Feeling it huh? Well, varpal gives you the access to have your own feed url whereby people can subscribe to your posts and updates via Rss feed readers; Moreso, varpal features a forum corner where you can discuss various topics, ask questions and do cool stuffs.
The newsfeed area also show you what is going on all over varpal and in the world via general news.
Now, there's one interesting feature i like about varpal ~ There's a marketplace for you to showcase your products or whatever you're intending to sell. Not only selling, you have the opportunity to buy also. You see how varpal can make you money?
Nice! You can also upload/share your photos, create your personal profile url by choosing a customised username (Different from your Varpal name). If you're a good facebook user, then you'd like varpal's interface also.
Now you know what I mean by Nigeria's facebook? Visit now and register.
Remember, The social network will get more interesting when you invite people to join you.
You can add me on varpal via
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